Upcoming Events
The Digital Humanities Centre runs various events, including conferences and workshops. Check this page for updates.
Spatial Humanities 2022: Announcement
Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities, Quetelet Center for Quantitative Historical Research and Antwerp Cultural Heritage Sciences in collaboration with the Lancaster University Digital Humanities Centre and Digital Humanities Lab, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa are delighted to announce that the 4th Spatial Humanities conference will be held in Ghent on 7th - 9th September 2022 at the conference centre Het Pand, organised by CLARIAH-VL with the support of the DARIAH-EU GeoHumanities working group. Spatial Humanities 2022 is concerned with geospatial technologies, such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS), and what they have to contribute to humanities research. The main aim is to explore and demonstrate the contributions to knowledge enabled by these technologies, approaches and methods within and beyond the digital humanities.
The Call for Papers is open, with a deadline for proposal of 27th February 2022.
DH Hangouts
The Digital Humanities Centre hosts the DH Hangouts which is an online seminar that brings together internationally recognised centres of excellence in the Spatial Humanities, Corpus Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (NLP), combining these with broad expertise across the Digital Humanities as a whole. You can find recordings of our seminars, workshops and other events on our DH Centre YouTube Channel.
Past Events
Take a look at some of the Digital Humanities Centre's recent events.

Digital Heritage Workshops 2021
With six sessions across three days, these Workshops will explore Digital Heritage in the context of global, and local, inequalities and the (other) legacies of imperial pasts. We will be exploring the relationship between dominant and marginal curations, and how the opportunities offered by digital environments have the potential to both challenge and reinforce those hierarchies, globally, nationally, and locally.
DHeritage Workshops programme (pdf): click here
The Digital Heritage Workshops have now finished – but all session recordings are available to view on YouTube. Please click here to view the full playlist.
Spatial Humanities 2020
We are delighted to be able to announce that Spatial Humanities 2022 will take place in Ghent in September 2022. More details will be released nearer the time.
We regret to announce that Spatial Humanities 2020 has been postponed due to the Covid-10 pandemic. If you submitted an abstract for 2020 we will keep this on file, we will also be opening an additional CFP in the winter. The information below will be updated nearer the time.
We are delighted to announce that the third in the series of Spatial Humanities conferences will be held in Lisbon, 24-25th September 2020. Spatial Humanities 2020 is concerned with exploring what geospatial technologies such as Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have to contribute to humanities research. The main aim is to explore and demonstrate the contributions to knowledge enabled by these technologies, approaches and methods within and beyond the digital humanities. We welcome submissions on all aspects of using geospatial technologies in humanities research, including database development, methodological innovation and applied research that develops our understanding of the geographies of the past.
We welcome contributions from all humanities disciplines including (but not limited to) history (including fields from social science history such as historical demography and environmental history), archaeology, literary studies, classics, linguistics, art history, anthropology and religious studies, as well as from technical fields including GISc, digital humanities, computational linguistics and computer science. Contributions from PhD students are encouraged and bursaries are available (see below). Non-speaking participants are also welcome.
Keynote speakers:
Dr Katrina Navickas, Department of History, University of Hertfordshire
Dr Barbara Piatti, Basel, Switzerland
Call for papers: An additional call will be made nearer the time. We will keep abstracts submitted in 2020 on file.
Contact details for informal enquiries: spatialhum@lancaster.ac.uk